Today it is time for the next issue of Davy Jones’ Locker – best in miniature wargaming. Like in the previous issues I will try to bring you a variety of useful stuff for our hobby. In this issue, you will find three AARs and two reviews of the CONGO rulebook. So, have fun reading the third issue of Davy Jones’ Locker – best in miniature wargaming.
Pick #1 – The Bandits of Putari (AAR)
The first pick this time is an AAR. Colonial wargaming in a fictitious 18th century India using the Sharp Practice rules. First of all the overall presentation is fabulous. The whole AAR is made like a comic. It is a great read and you will have a blast reading it. Besides that the scenery and the miniatures are lovely. So some eye candy is also there.
Pick #2 – CONGO reviews
The next pick is the CONGO rule set. The whole Darkest Africa setting is great, but I never played CONGO until this day. But of course, I read some reviews about it. Two of them I want to share with you. The first one is from Meeples & Miniatures, the second one from A Wargaming Gallimaufry. Both are a great read and give you a good impression of the game.
Pick #3 – Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes
While checking Twitter I stumbled over another great AAR. This time from Sigur on Skirmishwargaming.com. They used the Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes rules. Personally, I never played the game, but after reading this great AAR I am convinced to give it a try. And did I mentioned the great table? But look for yourself. [Update 1.03.2019: sorry, the resource is no longer online]
Pick #4 – Pulp action on the Tibetian Plateau
The last pick is another AAR using Pulp Alley. Lovely terrain, great miniatures and the Tibetian setting – a pretty cool combination. Joakim did a great write up and you will have fun reading it. Maybe you even become curious about pulp gaming.
That’s it for this issue. I hope you like the picks. If you have questions or suggestions for future issues just leave a comment. I highly appreciate it.