To expand my Darkest Africa miniature collection I painted some Foundry Sleek Warrior Women. The quality of the miniatures is superb. I am a big fan of the whole Darkest Africa range from Foundry. But the Foundry Sleek Warrior Women are especially impressive. I used mine in our pulp campaign as female bodyguards of the local cannibal chief. They also had an appearance as fanatics in some of our colonial wargames using the Triumph & Tragedy rules.
How to paint Foundry Sleek Warrior Women
As always I primed the miniatures white, applying Vallejo Primer with a brush. After that, I applied Vallejo Model Color Mahagony brown (846) as a base color. It is a nice dark brown with a slight reddish touch. To add some variety, I painted the shields in three different ways. As base colors, I used Army Painter Skeleton Bone and Army Painter Leather Brown. Now it was time to paint the spear shafts using Vallejo Panzer Aces Old Wood (310). To give the miniatures a more colorful paint scheme, I painted the hair in Army Painter Pure Red. Obviously, if you prefer a more realistic look, you should choose a more natural color. But I like the look, so the red hair works for me.
I painted the loincloth and the arm rings using Vallejo Panzer Aces Canvas (314). If I had to repaint the miniatures I would use a different color for the armrings to add some more variety. The canvas works pretty well, but I guess some ivory would work slightly better. Well, just compare the armrings with the anklets, which I painted brighter using Vallejo Model Color Iraqui Sand (819). The spearheads are painted metallic. Unfortunately, I can’t remember which one I was using.
Finally, I highlighted some party of the hair and the ornaments on the shields using Army Painter Matt White. To tight anything together, I washed the whole miniatures using Army Painter Quickshade soft tone.
Basing – quick & easy
The basing was pretty simple. I added a mixture of sand, PVA and filler to the base. To spice things up, I added some small stones. While the stones are painted grey, the sand is painted in a brown color. After everything has dried up, I applied a quick drybrush and glued some grass tufts to the base. That’s it, the Foundry Sleek Warrior Women are ready for the gaming table. What do you think about the finished miniatures? As always, comments are highly appreciated!
Foundry Sleek Warrior Women