In this post, I want to showcase the Rubicon SdKfZ 222 for my Early War German Army. The Leichter Panzerspähwagen or Light Armoured reconnaissance vehicle was a series of light four-wheeled armored cars produced by Germany from 1935 to 1944.
The kit

The Rubicon SdKfZ 222 / SdKfZ 223 kit offers you the possibility to build either an SdKfZ 222 or a 223. I chose to build the 222 variant with the 2cm KwK 30 L/55 autocannon and one machine gun. The SdKfz 223 variant is the one that replaces the turret with a frame antenna.
The kit comes with easy-to-follow instructions and decals. Building the kit is fun. All parts come together pretty easily, and there is no need for filing or stuff like that.
How to Paint
- Priming
I primed the model using Vallejo white.
- Base colors
Vallejo German Grey (995) – GW Nuln Oil [Wash] – Vallejo London Grey (836)[Dry Brush]
Vallejo Old Wood (319) – GW Agrax Earthshade [Wash] – Vallejo Light Mud (315) [Dry Brush]
Vallejo Oily Steel (865) – GW Nuln Oil [Wash]
Tires: Vallejo Black Grey (862) – GW Agrax Earthshade [Wash]
Car Jack:
Vallejo Light Rust (301) – GW Nuln Oil [Wash] – Vallejo Light Mud (315) [Dry Brush]
Vallejo Carmine Red (908) – GW Carroburg Crimson [Wash] – GW Evil Sunz Scarlet [Dry Brush] - Applying Decals
After painting the SdKfZ 222 I applied decals to the model. As always I used Revell Decal Soft, but that’s totally optional.
- Weathering
Weathering is always a nice method to add more flavor to a model. In this case, I used Vallejo Weathering Effects Thick Mud European and Vallejo Weathering Effects Splash Mud European.
- Sealing
In the last step, I used Army Painter Aegis Suit Satin Varnish to seal the model.
The Rubicon SdKfz 222 is a fantastic model. Altogether the kit offers great value for your money. In my opinion, Rubicon is one of the best choices if it comes down to vehicles.
So, what’s your opinion? Have you ever built a model by Rubicon? Let me know in the comments, and as always, happy wargaming!