Last week I painted my next entry for the Analogues Hobby Painting Challenge. This time I painted King Ronnie the Brave and His Majesties by Foundry.
I bought these miniatures almost two years ago for my fantasy campaign. But until the AHPC, they faced their sad fate in my lead pile. But let’s take a closer look at the whole court.
The start makes King Ronnie the Brave, King of a minor realm. He is the typical heir no King wants in his bloodline. He is not talented to reign nor has he any charisma at all.

After introducing King Ronnie, let’s take a look at the Queen. Her big role model is Marie Antoinette aka Madame Déficit. Of course, we are talking on a much smaller scale, but nonetheless, she likes to throw money out of the window.

To please his wife, King Ronnie has to exploit his subjects. Hence our King is very unpopular among ordinary people. To keep some distance, King Ronnie is always escorted by two bodyguards. And look at them, they grand some diplomatic immunity for sure.

Of course, lacking charisma is a severe problem for any self-respecting king hence that’s why a herald always announces King Ronnie’s appearance.

The last character of this illustrious court is the jester. He is the favorite of the Queen, and maybe King Ronnie should be worried about that. But that’s a story of another day.

Last words
I had a blast painting King Ronnie and his Majesties. As always, Foundry delivers excellent quality and figures full of character. I almost regretted the fact of waiting so long to paint them. But the good thing is, now I am motivated to paint some more stuff for my Fantasy collection. And maybe one day, I will also make the campaign happen.
But until then, happy wargaming everybody!

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