Davy Jones’ Locker #14 (Summer)


We are approaching August, and time seems to fly by, so it is time for another quarterly review of my hobby. Unfortunately, work and other stuff kinds of limited my hobby time. But the good news is that we can play in person again. That alone is a big plus. Let’s be honest, playing virtually is simply no substitute. But without further due, let’s make a review of my projects and all other things hobby-related this summer.

Update #Ravendale?

My Fantasy project is still on hold. Here and then, I am still tinkering with some quests and stuff, but at the moment, I don’t have the time to boost this project. Realistically this may change during the winter months.

Update #GemblouxGap??

My Early War project is still in full swing. The German army is almost finished. So now it’s time to build and paint their foe. Again some lovely models like this Panhard 178 armored car. After the Defenders of France, I will have to paint almost as many civilians.

But as you might guess, painting two armies is almost easy compared to building an appropriate gaming table. I have already started to paint minor terrain pieces like these tracks, but the miniatures are still my priority.

Luckily I got the Static Grass Starter Kit from my wife as a birthday present. This static grass applicator will become very handy once I build all those terrain pieces and buildings.

Update #ModernAfghanistan??

My side project in modern-day Afghanistan has also made some progress. I painted up some Afghan National Police miniatures and some more Taliban. I also started to paint the first vehicle: a T55 tank.

Unfortunately, the bulk of my ordered vehicles by Empress Miniatures is still delayed. Luckily I still have the heavy weapons teams on the lead pile. ?

New Project: Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team

I know what you are thinking. No, not another project. And yes, you are right, I already have more than enough stuff on the painting table. But one of my gaming mates came up with the idea of playing a new system. So we jumped on the Warhammer 40k Kill Team bandwagon.

After some research, I decided to build a Genestealer Cults army. They are the creepy folks who the Tyranids send to prepare for their invasion of another world. The enemy within! My mate will build a Harlequin army. Besides that, we both can field Space Marines as second choices. It is rather funny, but maybe my Dark Angels, aka my first wargaming army ever, will finally see some action on the table!

Obviously, we will need a gaming table for the Kill Team project. So I bought the Industrial Chemworks Modular Set from Corvus Games Terrain and printed like hell.

Because every gaming table needs some fluffy scenery, I also ordered the Battlezone Manufactorum Conservators by Games Workshop. I know people have mixed feelings about GW, but the quality of their stuff is outstanding. I already primed some miniatures and can’t wait to put some paint on them.


  • If the Lord spares Us by Too Fat Lardies
  • The Raiders for Dux Britanniarum by Too Fat Lardies
  • Dux Britanniarum and The Raiders Card sets by Too Fat Lardies
  • Infamy Infamy Card Set by Too Fat Lardies
  • Chain of Command Jump-Off Markers by Too Fat Lardies
  • Pat Smith: Setting the Scene – Winter Wargaming

To wrap things up, while I am not totally happy with my hobby in the last months, it wasn’t that bad either. As you might guess, I purchased some stuff for later this year already. After Afghanistan, it will be time again for some action in Africa. But this time, not the usual Pulp stuff; instead, I fancy playing the Palestine campaign during World War I. Currently, I am reading Anthony Bruce: The Last Crusade, and the ideas are already popping up in my head. But thats a story for another day. So until the next time, happy wargaming.


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