November is almost over, so it is time for another monthly review. As always I want to share my hobby progress with you as well as curating my personal top 5 pieces of content from the miniature wargaming community.
Monthly review
November was still a tough month, because I had a lot of other obligations to deal with. But still, I had some time to work on my projects.
The Macedonian Hypaspists and the Greek Heavy Cavalry are fully painted. Now it is time to apply all the decals and then base the army.
Besides the ancient stuff, I also printed some terrain pieces and started to paint some of the old ones. I also take the plunge on GW Contrast paints. After one first test piece, I am very happy with the results. But I will cover this topic in more depth another day.

Finally, I started to take pictures of all the stuff I haven’t shared on the blog until now. And that is a hell lot of stuff, to be honest. Two armies for World War II. Additions to my Kings of War army and even more pulp/colonial stuff. And of course, some long-forgotten terrain pieces.
- Citadel Primer Wraith Bone
- Citadel Primer Grey Seer
- some Citadel Contrast Paints
- some new brushes
- Citadel Paint Holder
- Northstar Cult Thief and Barbarian for Frostgrave
- Market Stalls from Mantics Terrain Crate (freebie)

#1 The Raider’s Escape (AAR)
I really like the Lion Rampant rules. So I was very happy to find this epic AAR written by Jack Sarge. Lovely miniatures on a beautiful table!
#2 Viking Ship Grave
Maybe after the AAR, you are keen to jump into a new project? A Dark Ages table maybe? Well, the next pick is a lovely terrain piece built by Miro: a Viking ship grave. This piece is a great addition to any Dark Ages table.
#3 Cromwell with camouflage netting

While building some World War II vehicles, I stumbled over this neat tutorial by The Tactical Painter. An easy step by step explanation on how to add camouflage netting to your tanks. By the way, the Cromwell featured in the image above is in 20mm!
#4 The Chinese Garden

Another great find while surfing the internet, was a post by Howard about his Chinese Garden gaming table. Highly suitable for Pulp adventurers or anybody, who needs inspiration.
#5 painting Horses
The last pick for this issue is a series of videos made by Loki on how to paint horses. Really useful stuff!
That’s it for this issue. I hope you enjoyed my picks. One last Davy Jones’ Locker to come in 2019, while we are racing towards X-Mas. So stay tuned and all the best to you and yours. Cheers Davy.