This time, I want to showcase the Panzerjäger I by Blitzkrieg Miniatures. Sometimes this tank is also referred to as Jagdpanzer I, which would make sense but isn’t the proper name whatsoever.
The Panzerjäger I was the first German tank destroyer fielded in World War II. Panzerjäger means Tank hunter in german. Although the Panzerjäger I looks almost cute compared to the much more famous Marder or Nashorn, it still was the first in that series of open-toped Panzerjäger.
It is interesting to consider that besides the Panzerjäger series, another series of german tank destroyers had a closed chassis. The most well renowned would be the Jagdpanther and the even bigger Jagdtiger.
The Model
The Blitzkrieg Miniatures Panzerjäger I is a lovely resin model. It comes almost fully assembled, and only the gun needs to be glued to the tank itself. I added some baggage to my Panzerjäger to add even more character to the model.
How to Paint
- Priming
I used Vallejo white primer.
- Base colors
Vallejo German Grey (995) – GW Nuln Oil [Wash] – Vallejo London Grey (836)[Dry Brush]
Vallejo Old Wood (319) – GW Agrax Earthshade [Wash] – Vallejo Light Mud (315) [Dry Brush]
Vallejo Oily Steel (865) – GW Nuln Oil [Wash]
Tires: Vallejo Black Grey (862) – GW Agrax Earthshade [Wash]
Jerry Can:
Vallejo German Camo Dark Green (979) – – GW Nuln Oil [Wash] – Vallejo Light Mud (315) [Dry Brush]
Car Jack:
Vallejo Light Rust (301) – GW Nuln Oil [Wash] – Vallejo Light Mud (315) [Dry Brush] - Applying Decals
After painting the tank I applied some decals. I used Revell Decal Soft as usual for better fitting.
- Weathering
To weather the Panzerjäger I I used Vallejo Weathering Effects Thick Mud European and Vallejo Weathering Effects Splash Mud European. That’s my go-to choice for weathering in a European theatre.
- Sealing
As always I sealed the model using Army Painter Aegis Suit satin varnish.
The Blitzkrieg Miniatures Panzerjäger I is a fantastic addition to any model collection. The only downside maybe could be the rather limited timeframe this model will appear on the tabletop. But if you plan to play the Blitz, then this model is a must-have!
What is your favorite German tank hunter? Drop me a message down in the comments, and as always, happy wargaming!